Sweet Potato and Feta Frittata – Mmm, Delicious!

a plate of cubed feta
This is another revived recipe from my old personal blog.  This is a delicious frittata, although I admit often when I make frittata I use it as an opportunity to use up whatever vegetables happen to be in the fridge.
Serve with a green salad, and if there is a danger that some children won’t eat the frittata, you can add more feta or some boiled eggs to the salad for extra protein.

Sweet Potato and Feta Frittata Recipe

Serves 4-8 (or 2!) depending what else you have with it


  • 1 small or 1/2 a large sweet potato
  • about 5 large silverbeet (Swiss chard) leaves, or equivalent
  • two smallish tomatoes
  • a few sprigs of parsley
  • about 100g feta cheese –I use Southcape Marinated Fetta made from cows milk which is reallyyummy, but probably any good feta would do.
  • 8 eggs, taken out of the fridge earlier so they are at room temperature (ideally)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • a pinch of salt

You will also need

  • 1x26cm saute pan with a heavy base, with lid
  • A medium mixing bowl
  • A whisk (or just a fork really)


  1. Slice the sweet potato up into 1 cm thick slices. You can leave it like that or chop it into smaller chunks as you prefer.
  2. Pre-cook the sweet potato however you like, I put it in a ceramic bowl in the microwave, with plate over the top, for about 3-4 minutes and then check it.
  3. Meanwhile, chop your silverbeet and parsley as finely as you like, I do the silverbeet in about 1-2 cm strips, and cut those up further if I’m using large leaves, and steam it for about a minute (or microwave for a few seconds – maybe 15?) – just to soften it a bit. If you want to include the silverbeet stem, I’d steam it for a little longer. Alternatively use baby spinach leaves and don’t bother pre-cooking at all. (Sometimes I don’t even both with the silverbeet).
  4. If you have an electric stove it should be heating up by now. You want it heated to a medium temperature.
  5. Put the saute pan on the stove to heat through.
  6. Slice the tomatoes into about 1/2 cm thick slices
  7. If you are using the marinated feta, fish about 100g out of the jar now so most of the oil can drain off it.
  8. Beat the eggs, water and salt together in a medium bowl.
  9. Pour a little bit of oil from your marinated feta to lightly grease your pan.
  10. Tip the sweet potato into the pan, pour the egg mixture over the sweet potato and quickly add the greens and the feta. You are aiming to keep adding stuff until you can’t get anymore under the egg. You want to do this quickly before the egg cooks too much while you can still stir it around to get it all spread evenly.
  11. Lastly add the tomato slices – spread evenly over the top and push them in just under the egg if you can (it doesn’t matter if they don’t go all the way under though).
  12. Now, put the lid on and turn the stove down to low. Cook until almost set, about 15-25 minutes (check after 15 and see how set it is). Now you can finish it off under the grill, with the lid off, but you can also leave it for longer on the stove if you have the patience.
  13. Serve with a large garden salad.

This post was shared over with a lot of other lovely posts at Essentially Jess.
Photo credit: Rebecca Siegel

20 thoughts on “Sweet Potato and Feta Frittata – Mmm, Delicious!

    1. You’re welcome. And now just reading your comment-luv post title makes me want to go bake some chocolate chip cookies (or eat some, anyway!!)

    1. You’re welcome. And now just reading your comment-luv post title makes me want to go bake some chocolate chip cookies (or eat some, anyway!!)

  1. Sheep or Goat feta is delicious. I actually like it more than cow feta and you can often buy it for the same price or less. Marinated feta is delicious too!
    Have you considered regularly posting recipes? (healthy, sustainable, vegetarian wholefoods)
    I’m sure people would be interested. I’m always looking out for new inspiration and keen to see what other people are cooking.
    Woops… I just discovered you already have a “food from scratch” section.

  2. Sheep or Goat feta is delicious. I actually like it more than cow feta and you can often buy it for the same price or less. Marinated feta is delicious too!
    Have you considered regularly posting recipes? (healthy, sustainable, vegetarian wholefoods)
    I’m sure people would be interested. I’m always looking out for new inspiration and keen to see what other people are cooking.
    Woops… I just discovered you already have a “food from scratch” section.

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