Happy Mother's Day – SAVE 30% on Less Toxic Living

Less Toxic Living | Kirsten McCullochOkay, so you’ve got Less Toxic Living as a PDF download, but have you read it? And how do you lend it to your mother-in-law, who you think would really like it?
For a lot of people, a physical paper book is still the best way to read something.
So for Mother’s Day, I have dropped the price of the print book by 30%! That makes it only US$9.76 on Amazon (minus their discount) and $13.85 in Australia (plus shipping)!
So if you want a copy – or if you’ve just realised it’s the perfect gift – order now!
As usual, this post will be shared over with Jess at IBOT

2 thoughts on “Happy Mother's Day – SAVE 30% on Less Toxic Living

  1. You know my MIL would actually love it. She’s the one who is always telling me how to create my own cleaning products and going on and on about packaging.

    1. Always good to hear that someone will love your book, thanks Jess 🙂

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