There are many, many ways to change one’s lifestyle to make it more sustainable, from growing your own food to cooking from scratch to making your own clothes to going completely carbon neutral. Not surprisingly there are just as many different sorts of blogs which roughly fit under the sustainable living umbrella.
Let’s gather as many of those blogs here as we can.
- In the usual Linky List ettiquete, please create a link back to this page – – from your blog. Thanks. Feel free to use the button below, or just use a text link. This list will only grow if people link to it! To link to the button, you can just copy and paste this code: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Sustainable Suburbia: Striving for a lower impact lifestyle. Join the Sustainable Living Blogs Linky Lists"></a>
- Once, you’ve done that, choose up to two categories that you fit most comfortably under (one is also fine).
- Type your name (if you like) and blog title into the title field – if you list yourself twice, please use the same title both times.
I’d also love it if you would mention this list in a post, so we can get as many bloggers represented here as possible. Let me know if you do this and I’ll give you a shout out on the Sustainable Suburbia Facebook page.
I’ve divided the blogs into several groups. It was hard to decide how to do this, and there is certainly a lot of crossover :
- Suburban and Urban Homesteading;
- A Country Plot: Out of Town Homesteaders/Self-Suffciency;
- Parents Living Sustainably;
- Frugal & Low Consumption Living;
- Crafty Hand Made;
- Real/SOLE Food;
- It’s All About The Garden;
- General Slow, Sustainable or Simple Living (just in case those headings have left someone out!).
Let me just say one more time, this is not about ‘being there’ – this is about the journey. So you don’t have to be completely self sufficient, for instance, to put your self in the Self Sufficiency section – you just need to blog about trying to be, or approximating or working-towards-even-if-you’re-never-really-going-to-make-it.
Sustainable Parents
Suburban & Urban Homesteading
A Country Plot: Living Off Grid & Working Towards Self Sufficiency
Frugal Living & Consumption Reduction
Crafty Hand Made
Real and SOLE Food
It’s All About The Garden
General Slow, Sustainable or Simple Living (or Help! I don’t fit anywhere here!)
just to ask you to remove my photo from the slow living list as the sit has been shut down.
Thanking you, Shari – re: smallactsofgreen
Please could you remove my link on the Suburban & Urban Homesteading section – I entered it there in error.
Thank you for making this linking facility available to all of us. It’s great to have a place to find like-minded people.
No worries Dani – easy to do! It tool me a while, but I finally removed it
Cool Australia explains how our environment supports our current way of life, why it’s under threat and what we can all do to help. At Cool Australia it’s all about doing things smarter.
Hi Kirsten,
I put myself under ‘a country plot’ and ‘frugal living’ but had trouble with the photos again! This time I will take you up on you offer and email the photo through to you.
I finally was able to get the button posted on my sidebar, I apologize for the delay due to blogger issues.
When I was linking in the different categories, I also had an issue and thought the link in the Frugal Living category didn’t go through so I linked again in the Gardening category, therefore I have three links now instead of the two allowed. If one must be deleted, I would prefer the Gardening link be deleted.
Thanks for your help and hosting such a great link list. This is a wonderful idea!
No worries Lisa, and thanks for the post on your blog about this lists!
Accidentally added a link to the ‘crafty hand made section’ with caption A permaculture herb garden. Can you remove
Hi Kisten, I linked through to here on my last post. Great idea! I know I always wanted somewhere to find likemindeds.
Loops! ‘Kirsten’
Ooops! ‘Ooops’ damn auto correct!
Hi Kirsten,
I’ve linked to “A country plot” and “general slow, sustainable” categories.
I’ve also linked back to this page from:, “liked” your FB page and added you to my G+ circle.
Thanks so much!
Thanks Gammy/Tammy
Hi Kirsten,
I am so happy to discover Sustainable Suburbia. I feel right at home!
I linked up today and I can’t wait to explore your blog and all of the other blogs here!
I am enjoying your blog–and pinning, tweeting, and sharing.
I blog about healthy, green and natural living at
We have a lot of interests in common. Let’s stay in touch.
All the best, Deb
Welcome Deborah!
Hello there,
I was having problems adding my site. It did not let me choose a category and the picture did not work. It will not let me resubmit it either so I didn’t know if I need to have it deleted and then I can start over or if you can help me fix it.
Traditional Skills Blog
OK, sorry I am slow in the computer world I guess.
I got one listed in the Crafty section and it worked right but the other in the General Slow section is the one that has the goofed up picture.
Traditional Skills Blog
Hi Dave, I’m not sure what is going on with the photos, many of them seem to be missing, that were there previously. I will have to contact the Linky List support! But, I have fixed yours
Hi there, the Linky list support is still not working with the photo addition. How can I get the photo to you…just as a cut and paste?
I just want to use one I use on my blog Facebook page Alexaasimplelife
Technology is great when it works but woeful when not!
Many thanks and all the best